Wednesday, 7 December 2011

How Clouds Form

When the sun heats the surface of the earth, surface water such as oceans, lakes and rivers evaporate water into the atmosphere. This happens because the suns heat also warms the air above the earths surface.This warm air rises and carries the evaporated water. When the warm air ascends it becomes cooler and is not able to hold as much water vapour. The water vapour (gas) condenses into water droplets (liquid). The water droplets attach to pieces of atmospheric dust (condensation nuclei) and clump together to form clouds. Clouds reflect the suns light so they appear white. If a cloud becomes dense it will appear more of a grey colour because it blocks the suns light . Clouds can form at different heights and sizes due to air pressure, air temperature, wind conditions and weather systems. When a cloud reaches its saturation point it rains(precipitation).The cloud has reached 100% relevant humidity.This completes the water cycle.

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